Behavior Management Philosophy

Below are my expectations for the classroom. We will go over these expectations
during the first day of the school and throughout the semester. 


When we enter the classroom, we will pick up the assignment for the day and go to our assigned seats. On a typical day, we will go through a lesson and have time for independent work. On a day with an activity, the procedure will look different, but I will be sure to provide clear instructions. On an assessment day, we will follow our testing protocol as efficiently as possible to ensure that there is maximum time to complete the exam.

All assignments and resources will be posted in Google Classroom. I will frequently update our calendar to account for assignments and upcoming assessments. Students are responsible for keeping up with their assignments and referring to our class page for questions. For any answers that cannot be found on Google Classroom, feel free to reach out to me.


I have ___ rules for the classroom. I leave this blank because this list is ever-changing and adaptive for our classroom.

Be respectful. That includes being respectful to me, your peers, and any guests in our classroom. This also includes the classroom itself: pick up after yourself and those around you. Being respectful means not talking over others, listening to instructions, and acknowledging that our perspectives may be different from our peers.

Stay engaged. I will try my best to make lessons engaging. I understand there are days when we are more or less focused, but we must be prepared, try to work hard, and keep ourselves on task.

Take initiative. If you know that you will be absent, please communicate so that I can have the appropriate materials for you. If your absence is not planned, communicate via email or when you are back in school about getting back on track. If you are struggling with a concept, ask for help. If you don’t know where something is, check Google Classroom.

Classroom Incentives

I believe in offering a variety of ways for students to improve their classroom experience.

  • Bonus points: bonus points can be earned through the correct completion of supplemental assignments.

  • Retakes: if a student earns lower than a 75% on any assessment, they can make corrections to earn the highest score of 75%.

  • Whole-class rewards: classes can earn whole-class rewards by adhering to our classroom expectations. Rewards will be decided by vote.

Disciplinary Guidelines

I will use my professional and personal judgement when it comes to disciplinary action. Additionally, any actions taken will be in accordance with our school’s code of conduct, which can be found in the school handbook. If a student is not following behavior expectations, their actions will have consequences.

Implementing a zero-tolerance policy on bullying in my classroom is necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of every student. By enforcing strict repercussions for bullying, such as disciplinary actions or counseling, we show our commitment to creating a positive and supportive learning environment. It is essential to educate students on empathy, conflict resolution, and positive communication to prevent bullying from happening in the first place. With a proactive approach and firm responses to bullying incidents, we can foster a culture of respect and empathy where every student feels valued and protected.

I believe in addressing disruptive or detrimental behavior head-on. It is important for students to recognize when their actions negatively affect classroom learning and to articulate how to make better choices. I never wish to “shame” a student, but rather encourage a dialogue on how we can improve our behavior.